Web Hosts and Basic Web Pages

Getting A Free Web Host at: 50webs.com

If you want to make your material available to the rest of the world on the web, you will need a location on the web where people (including your instructor!) can access your web pages. This is called a web host.

Following are instructions for creating a free Web hosting account that has no ads. You will use the site that you create in this exercise for other assignments so that you can upload assignment files to it.

Here are the steps you will take below:

Please follow the instructions carefully, step-by-step. Note that you may sometimes see the term Directory. The term directory means the same thing as "Folder".

Instructions for Opening a Free 50 Webs Hosting Account
and Using Their Online Tools to Edit a Web Page

  1. Go to the 50 Webs Web site:  http://www.50webs.com/

  2. In the bottom left corner of the window that opens, you will find a section for "Totally FREE - NO ADS", "FREE $0.00/MONTH".

  3. Click on the SIGN UP button in the lower left-hand corner of that section at the bottom of the page.

  4. On the next page, it will say: "Please, select the hosting plan that best suits your needs".
  5. On the far right of the page, the following option should already be selected: "FREE - Totally FREE - NO ADS".

  6. Near the bottom of the page is #2: "Please, select if you want to register/transfer/host a domain or use a subdomain".
  7. Item #3 will appear: "Enter Account Information".

  8. Underneath it, click on NEXT. Be patient, it may take some time for the next page to appear.

  9. In the next page, you will be asked to "Enter Account Information".

  10. Please fill in the information.
    1. For the Username, determine a name that is very unique because most common expressions or terms have been used already. Write down your user name, so that you don't forget it.
    2. You need to provide an email address that you can easily access because the password you will need will be sent to that email address.
    3. At the bottom, the following should already be selected: Use 50webs subdomain
    4. There should be no charges, the following should have no dollar amount after it: "Total amount to be charged:"

  11. The last entry needed on the page is to type in the Security Code into the text box beneath the code. Make sure you copy the text and numbers exactly as shown on YOUR page, NOT the numbers as shown below. Below is only an EXAMPLE:

  12. Just before the Signup button, there is a checkbox that says "I agree with your Terms and Conditions" including a link to those Terms and Conditions.
    1. Before you agree to them I suggest you read those terms and conditions including links within such as one regarding privacy .
    2. I am not a lawyer and am not qualified to offer you any legal advice.
    3. I personally have no problem agreeing to the terms, based on what is written there.
    4. However, I am always careful not to upload material that I do not have the rights to (images, text, music, video, etc.) and I would never upload anything lewd or malicious. I use common sense.
    5. This course expects you to abide by their Terms and Conditions and does not indemnify you for any violations of them by you.
    6. Now that I've totally alarmed you ;-) let us proceed.

  13. Click on the Signup button. Be patient, it may take some time.

  14. On the next page, it should say:

    Your FREE WEB HOSTING account has been created successfully!

  15. Underneath it, you will be asked to check your email for the information you will need to proceed.
  16. Wait at least 10 minutes.

  17. Then, go to the members login area by clicking here:
  18. A page will open with a lot of icons (image below). Here are some of my comments about the usability of that page:
  19. The only icons we will be using will be:
  20. Click on the icon Add/Manage WebSites. This will bring you to the Add a Web Site section.

  21. There is a section that asks you to "Create a new domain name structure, that will look like: yourname.50webs.com:"
  22. Click on Create the Host.
  23. You will note your web address as the first thing in the yellow box. In the example below, my subdomain/username is named rollingthunderv2, my full web address is rollingthunderv2.50webs.com

  24. Wait 30 minutes and refresh (reload) the page (you can use this for most browsers: Ctrl-R, for IE7 it's F5).

  25. Take a look at your Web site's home page by entering your Web address in your browser. You will probably see something like this:

  26. Now, go back to your on the left side in the Control Panel select File Manager:

  27. Now you will be in the File Manager. Click on the folder with the name of your site on it. For example:

  28. You will now see the files and folders in your Web site. Currently the only thing there is the file index.html

  29. Take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with the features of the page illustrated below, including:


You will now edit your home page

  1. In the File Manager, in the same row as the listing for the file index.html there will be an Edit button.

  2. Click on it and select WYSIWYG (pr. whizzy wig = What You See Is What You Get). A WYSIWYG editor means that it will show you what the page will look like and allow you to edit it that way (visually) instead of requiring you to type code!

  3. It will take a moment for your WYSIWYG editor to open and during that interval you may see some html code. Do not panic! The code will go away and be replaced by the more user-friendly editor.

  4. When it opens, make note of the Microsoft Word style toolbars. Inspect the different buttons. They allow you to do most anything you can do in Word.

  5. You will probably see a designed illustration divided into sections with lines, similar to the one previously illustrated (with the blue to white background and a stamp). The lines represent an html table, which is one way to assemble sections of text, images, etc., into a nicely composed page.

  6. Right-click anywhere in the main page area except on the images, text, or parts of the table.

  7. Select Select All from the contextual menu that appears.

  8. Then press the Delete key on your keyboard or from the right-click contextual menu.

  9. Type the words This is my homepage.

  10. Then select the words by clicking and dragging over them.

  11. Using the Format drop down menu select Heading Two.

  12. Then click on the Centering button (you know the one, it's just the same as Microsoft Word's).

  13. Next, click on the button in the lower right corner in the illustration above (the button with the magnifying glass). This is used to open the Document Properties dialog box.

    Fill it in as follows:
  14. Note that this will create the Web page's html title which will appear in the "title bar" at the very top of the browser's window frame. It will also create what is called meta information, which is general information about the web page that is hidden in the page's html code.

  15. You should now be back in the page editor. Deselect the words you wrote "This is my home page". Then press the Return key on your keyboard.You ought to be on a new row now.

  16. Then click on the automatic item numbering button in the toolbar, its' the second button from the right in the second row, the one with the tiny numbers.

  17. Type in and list what you have learned from this exercise that you didn't know before.

  18. Make sure that everything you have entered looks OK.

  19. At the bottom of the page click on Save File.

  20. That will save the file and close the editor.

  21. Check your Web site:
  22. Your home page on the Web ought to look very similar to what you just edited at the 50Webs site.

Uploading files to your new Web host using the 50Webs File Manager

You can use the 50 Webs File Manager to upload files from your computer to your hosted site. This can also be done through other ftp "clients" such as those in NVU and Dreamweaver.

  1. If you are still logged in and are in the File Manager already, skip ahead to the next section below, Creating a web page using html code.

  2. If you have logged out of the 50 Webs site after the last section was completed, please return to its home page and click on MEMBERS LOGIN on the right side of the top menu bar.

  3. Then login using your user name and password.

  4. Click on HOME near the upper left corner of the page

  5. This will bring you to your 50 Webs home page.

  6. Select File Manager.

  7. Under the heading Current Folder you will see a list of your virtual host(s) (also called sub-domains).

  8. There is probably just one there and it ought to have the same name as your username or the name you provided earlier if it needed to be different. Click on it, or the one you just created if there's more than one.

Creating a web page using html code

Below is some html code. Maybe you have never seen any, so there it is. HTML uses tags that are contained in angle brackets like these <  > . There is usually an opening tag and a closing tag. The latter will include a slash: / . HTML is the code that all web pages are based on. I want you to have a tiny bit of experience using it. We will make a new file by copying the HTML code below. Copy everything between, but not including, Start and End below:

Click and drag over the text below and then right-click to copy it:


<title>Your Title Here</title>
<h2 align="center">Your Name Here</h2>

End of copying

  1. Now that you have copied the code above, you will paste it into a basic text editor:
    • Windows users, open Notepad:
      • Start menu -> All Programs - Accessories -> Notepad
    • Mac users: open TextEdit

  2. Then paste what you copied into the empty new file.

  3. In the text that you copied and pasted into the text editor, replace Your Title Here with a heading of your choice. The title will soon be appearing in the title bar which is the top most edge of a window. This will happen after we upload the file. Also, replace Your Name Here with your first and last name. You have now edited some html code!

  4. Following are specific instructions to create folders and then save the file on your computer:
    1. In the File menu of Notepad (or TextEdit on the Mac) , select Save.
    2. Navigate to your C:\ drive (on Windows, or an appropriate place in your Mac Finder).
    3. If you haven't done so already in another exercise, create a new folder there and name it instDesign
      • Make CERTAIN that you know where this folder is so that you can return to it in the future.
    4. Within the instDesign folder, create another folder: 50Webs
    5. Now save the file, naming it exactly as shown here, all lower case:  page.html

  5. In the 50 Webs File Manager, click on the Browse... button next to UPLOAD FILES.

  6. Find and select your new file.

  7. Upload the file by clicking on the button Upload Files Now.

  8. Check it online by going to your new web address and adding  /page.html  at the end of your Web address. For example:

    http://mysite.50webs.com/page.html  (you would replace mysite with your site's name).

On the Web, letter case (upper or lower) often does make a difference due to the widespread use of UNIX servers (not that you need to know that!). Also, it is important to note, that due to the prevalence of UNIX servers, you should NEVER have any spaces in your file or folder names. If you need to indicate a space, use an underscore. Following is an underscore  _

Interested in learning more about html? Although not a part of this course, you may want to take my do-it-yourself html course: http://dvaughan.bol.ucla.edu/a_html/Links.html. The exercises are self-explanatory. I am sorry, but I will not be able to evaluate your work on them, so please do not send me the files even though the exercises instruct you to do so. 

Add an image to your file using the WYSIWYG editor

We will now change the file you just uploaded by adding an image to it.

  1. In the 50Webs File Manager click on the Edit button for the page.html file.

  2. Select WYSIWYG.

  3. Click at the end of your name. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to go down another row. You should then be on a blank row.

  4. Type in the words: Ruins at the Acropolis

  5. Press the Enter key again.

  6. In the toolbar at the top of the page, click on the button that looks like a tree. It's between the anchor and brush buttons.

  7. The Insert/edit dialog box will open:

  8. Copy the Web address below by first clicking and dragging over the address to select it. Then right-click and select Copy:
  9. Now paste the Web address into the Image URL field in the Insert/edit image dialog box .

  10. Then click on the Insert button at the bottom of the dialog box.

  11. Then click the Save file button at the bottom of the WYSIWYG editor.

  12. Check the page in your browser to be sure that the image appears and that it looks OK.
    Note that sometimes the image appeared in the editor but then after I saved the file, the image would not appear on the web page. I looked in the code and noticed in the Image URL area that the url had extra characters added at the end. If this happens to you, go back into the editor, select the image (or the outline of where is is supposed to be), click on the tree button, and look at the end of the Image URL. Then manually remove the characters if they are there. You may need to do this a couple of times.


  1. Regarding the above:
    • I will look at your index.html file and also your page.html file.
    • I suggest you check them first yourself.
    • Go to your web address. You ought to automatically see your home page (index.html) as modified by you.
    • Then add at the end of the web address the following: /page.html ...then press Enter on your keyboard. You ought to see the page.html Web page, the one with your name on it.

  2. Now you will provide me with a critique of a training video provided by the 50Webs folks. You will put the critique in a new html file you create below.
    • In the File Manager create a new file and name it critique.html
      • In the upper left area of the File Manager you will see the following:

      • Select the Empty file radio button.
      • Make sure that you name the file exactly as shown.
    • As soon as you click on CREATE! the empty page will open in the WYSIWYG editor.
    • Now, do the following and as you do add your comments to the empty file.
      • Use the toolbar to create bullet points, bold text, etc., as you feel is appropriate.
      • Please do not use other programs to generate this page!
    • In a separate browser window, go to your 50Webs HOME. Click on the HOME button in the upper left corner at your 50Webs :

    • In the group of icons that appears, select the Help Center icon.
    • Click on the link for the video about Using File Manager.
    • Watch the video and make notes about what you liked and didn't like, what worked for you, did anything confuse you, etc. If the video didn't play well, or worked only partially, tell me about it.
    • Compare the video with the text instructions written in this document about the File Manager. They cover different aspects of the File Manager, but you ought to be able to make a comparison. Which did you like better and why?
    • Write at least 300 words in your answer.

  3. In Step 18 in the top section of this page I provided a bit of a usability critique. Please provide your own thoughts and suggestions on how the usability problem I addressed there might be best resolved, in your opinion. Please read that section again and provide some suggestions in your critique.html file.

  4. Finally, send me your 50Webs username in an email.

That's it for this assignment. Whew!